The Heritage Centre Bellingham Logo

Last year, sending out AGM papers cost the Heritage Centre over £500 in printing, envelopes, and postage. This expense significantly impacts our finances. To reduce costs, we are sending the AGM notice by email this year and posting the associated information on our website. While we have email addresses for about half of you, many members have not yet provided an email address on their membership forms. For those members, we are sending the AGM notice by post but not the associated papers, as these further increases postage and printing costs. These papers are available on the website.

If you receive this letter and do not have access to the website to view the associated papers but wish to do so before the AGM, please contact me at 01434 344383 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I will arrange for the papers to be posted to you.

If we do not have your email address and you have one, please provide us with a valid email address using the same contact details. This will save time and considerable expense in the future. Thank you.

Papers for the AGM are available on the website via the links below:

  1. Notice of AGM;
  2. Draft minutes of the 2023 AGM;
  3. Draft Accounts including the Trustees’ report;
  4. A reminder letter for any outstanding membership dues. (Your 2024 membership card will be sent out with the next newsletter, due imminently;) (A Friends membership form can be found on the website here.)
  5. List of candidates for election;
  6. Proxy voting form if you cannot attend the AGM in person and wish to appoint the Chairman or another proxy to vote on your behalf (pdf version). There is also a Word version of this document available if you wish to complete it electronically and return by email..

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the AGM. There will be an opportunity to hear about our achievements over the past year, our plans for the future, and to ask questions to the Trustees and Committee.

Many thanks

Steve Gibbon

Chairman of Trustees