We are aware of a problem with the names, images and courant clippings databases after a large site update on 13/1/25 and are working to resolve this as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconcenience.
Names Database
Search our historical database for a name and see what light it casts on your ancestry.
Images Database
We have over 1,700 images from the past in our Collier Collection. You can search for your relatives, places you know, subjects, events etc. See what you find - you might be surprised.
Hexham Courant Clippings
Search our Hexham Courant Newspaper Clippings Database for people, places and events from the past.
Our Wikipedia
We have created a Wikipedia (online encyclopaedia) to capture stories and anecdotes from the past covering many topics including detailed census research we are undertaking..
Order a Print
If you would like to order a print of one of the images you have seen on this database please use the Source Image Reference number and fill in the form on the desks if you are at the Centre. If you are elsewhere please contact us with this reference number and we will take it from there. There is a charge for printing, and also for postage and packing if appropriate. All images are printed at their original captured resolution and without watermarks. If the original image resolution is poor we may advice not printing. Thank you.
Copyright and Unauthorised use of Images from this site
© Copyright The Heritage Centre at Bellingham, 2013 - All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of material on this website without express and written permission from the Heritage Centre Bellingham is strictly prohibited.