The Heritage Centre Bellingham Logo

(Last updated 22nd January 2018) (You can upload a pdf version of this guide here.)

This access statement does not contain personal opinions as to our suitability for those with access needs, but aims to accurately describe the facilities and services that we offer all our guests/visitors.

If you are looking for the accessibility guidance for this website and the available accessibility features please refer here.


Situated 600m from the centre of Bellingham, Northumberland, The Heritage Centre is the museum for North Tyne and Redewater. The history of this ancient and fabled place is captured in five permanent displays covering farming (including a 'reconstruction' of the Stannersburn smithy or farrier), mining, the Border Counties Railway, the Border Reivers, and the photography of W P Collier. The entire Centre is located on the ground floor with a very gentle ramp to the main entrance from the immediately adjacent car park.

We look forward to welcoming you. If you have any queries or require any assistance please phone (01434) 220 050 (during opening times) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


  • There is a comprehensive 'How to find us' section on our website, including a Google map with Travel Route planning.
  • Hexham railway station is 17 miles to the south.

Car Parking and Arrival

  • On-site parking includes 2 Blue Badge spaces, which are within 10m of the main entrance. Surface is smooth tarmac with a very gentle ramp to the entrance.

Main Entrance, Reception and Ticketing Area

  • The main entrance and ticket area are situated on the ground floor with step-free, level access throughout.
  • There is some cushioned seating in this area.
  • The floor surface is very short-piled tiled carpeting
  • The area is evenly and well lit with overhead lighting from fluorescent lights and significant natural light.
  • The entrance foyer also houses the shop.

Attraction (displays, exhibits, rides etc.)

  • A large print guide is available to visitors. Most exhibits are accompanied by audio-visual presentations, some with 'chatterboxes': visitor-activated audio presentations. An induction loop system is in place and a personal/portable system is available at reception.

Public Toilets

  • Toilets are on the ground floor with level access from the foyer and include a wheelchair-accessible unisex toilet.


  • The Heritage Centre stocks a wide range of publications, these may be purchased at the Shop desk which is accessible to people who use wheelchairs and which is situated in the entrance foyer.

Additional Information

  • Several members of staff have received 'Welcome All' training.

Tea on the Train

  • We have converted a railway carriage into a tea room, work includes the provision of ramps for access to the station platform but the doors have limited width so an evacuation chair is provided and some seats in the Tearoom have had their arms removed for easier access.

Parcel Shed

We have an exhibition space open all year round in the old Parcel Shed on the station platofrm. The exhibitions in here change frequently so there is always something to come back for.

Contact Information

Address (Inc postcode):

THE HERITAGE CENTRE, BELLINGHAM Station Yard, Woodburn Road, Bellingham, Northumberland, NE48 2DG


01434 220 050


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Grid Reference:

NZ839835 (Sheet OL42)

Hours Of Operation:

Mon - Sat 10.00 – 16.00; Sun 10.00 – 16.00 (please see the website for details of the year round opening dates.)

Local Accessible Taxi:

Bellingham Taxis: 01434 220 570 or 07815503927

Tarset Valley Taxis 01434 240 835 or 07711 400152

Local Public Transport:

Service 680 between Hexham and Bellingham

ADAPT service between Kielder and Bellingham - not Wed or Sun